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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Assembly Of The Church
--- a
Bible Study

The Assembly Of The Church <br>--- a <A>Bible Study

by Don French

1 Samuel 15:2-3, 7-9, 20-23
1) Was Saul told to utterly destroy Amalek and everything they had?
2) Did Saul not kill the king and the best of the animals?
3) Was the purpose for not killing the animals to offer them to God in worship as a sacrifice?

1 Samuel 15:22-26
1) Was Saul’s kingdom taken from him by God because of this?
2) What did God call Saul’s sin?
3) Does this indicate that we need to be very careful before we assume something about how God wants to be worshipped?

1 Chronicles 13:1-13
1) Was Uzza acting out of good intentions when he was struck dead by God?
2) Why was Uzza killed by God?
3) Did David seek God’s council before moving the Ark of the Covenant?

1 Chronicles 15:12-15
1) Did David seek God’s pattern in the matter before proceeding to move the Ark of the Covenant again?
2) Did God specifically say that the Arc could not be moved on a cart?
3) Was Uzza, then, killed because they were not following God’s specific pattern for this act?

Leveticus 10:1-3
1) What action caused Nadab and Abihu to anger God?
2) Would it matter to you?
3) Did it matter to God?
4) Why did God do this?
5) How does God demand that we honor Him?
6) Does this apply to all of God’s will for us in the Bible?

Galatians 1:6-10; Matthew 7:21-23
1) Can we be removed from the Gospel of Christ to a different gospel?
2) What makes it a different gospel?
3) Does any man, Apostle, or even an angel have the right to change the Gospel of Christ?
4) Is it the duty of a Christian to persuade men to accept God’s way?
5) If we say and do things to please men, instead of God, are we servants of Christ?
6) Can we claim to be followers of Christ and be rejected by Christ on judgment day?

2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-7; 2 Peter 1:20
1) Does God speak forth His will for us today in the New Testament?
2) Has God told us everything we need to properly worship Him?
3) Are we to study ALL of the Bible to determine the validity of our beliefs(i.e. no contradictions)?

Revelation 22:18-19; 2 John 9; 1 Corinthians 3:19-20; 4:6
1) If we add or take away from the Word of God, are we sinning?
2) Are the consequences for doing that eternally severe?
3) Should we, then, be very careful not to add or take away from the Word of God?
4) Does “adding to the Word of God” mean that any other specific action(s) than those given by God for the purpose of worship, are not to be done?
5) Does “taking away from the Word of God” mean that we must be careful to do all things specifically directed by God’s Word in worship, and not leave anything out?
6) If something is “generic” (general or non-specific), and not specific, do we then have a choice in the matter?
7) Are we “abiding in the doctrine of Christ” if we add or take away from the pattern in God’s Word?

2 Corinthians 3:7-16; 1 Corinthians 4:6; Galatians 3:24-25
1) Was the old Law done away with upon Christ’s death on the cross?
2) Are we to take our guidance from the New Testament Scriptures today?
3) Are we to go beyond what is written?
4) Is anything else but the New Testament Scriptures to have authority over Christians today?

Psalm 89:7
1) Is God greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints?
2) Are those assembled to have reverence and respect towards God?

1 Timothy 3:15
1) What is the church of the living God?
2) What is to be taught to the church?

Revelation 1:20
1) What is the local congregation compared to?

Matthew 5:14-16
1) Who is the light of the world?
2) What are Christians compared to?
3) Where are candles to be put?
4) Where are Christians to be in order to let their light shine before men?
5) How are we to let our light shine?

1 Corinthians 14:23-24
1) Should the entire congregation be assembled when the church comes together?
2) Should everyone be there to be edified?

Acts 15:30
1) Was everyone gathered together to hear the epistle?

Acts 14:27
1) Should the entire church gather together at the assemblies?

Hebrews 2:11-12
1) Is Christ ashamed to call us brethren?
2) To whom are we to declare Christ’s name?
3) Who is to be in the assembly to sing praises to God?
4) Which assembly are we to be at to do this?

Hebrews 12:22-25
1) Unto what are we to come?
2) Should we consider the assembly of the church important?

1 Corinthians 16:1-2
1) When are Christians commanded to lay by in store?
2) Is it a command of God to assemble with the church on the first day of the week?

John 6:53-57
1) What is necessary to have spiritual life?
2) Do we need to eat the figurative “flesh” of Christ and drink His figurative “blood”?
3) What will be our destination if we do not eat of Christ’s body and drink of his blood?

1 Corinthians 11:23-30
1) How do we eat the body and drink the blood of the Lord?
2) What happens to a person who partake in the proper attitude of the communion?
3) What causes Christians to grow weak?

Acts 20:7
1) When are we to partake of the communion?
2) How many “first days” are there each week?
3) How often, then, are we to partake of the Lord’s Supper?

1 Corinthians 12:12-27
1) Are all Christians part of the same body?
2) Is every member necessary when the body (the church) assembles?
3) Should there be a schism in the body?
4) Is the body divided if I remain at home?
5) Does each of us have a function in the church?
6) What is your function in the body?

Hebrews 10:24-26
1) Are Christians to be considerate one of another?
2) Are we to encourage each other to live for the Lord?
3) Are we to forsake the church services?
4) Are we encouraging one another if we miss the assembly?
5) Do we sin willfully if we forsake the assembly -- if we could have made it?
6) Should we try to be to every assembly of the church?

Acts 2:41-42,47B
1) What organization were those who accepted and obeyed the Gospel added to?
2) What did they "devote themselves" to?
3) Is this written in God's word for an example for us?

1 Corinthians 1:10-13; Philip. 2:2; 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:15; 13:16
1) Are there to be any divisions in the church (the body of Christ) in doctrine?
2) Might this also refer to the "assembly"?
3) Are we to come to agreement on issues that divide the body of Christ, the church?
4) Is the church to be "one" in spirit and purpose and doctrine?
5) Can we be "perfectly joined" together if we don't do this?
6) Does Christ have more than one way He wants worship services conducted?

Matt. 28:1; John 20:19-20,26-29; Acts 2:1-4 1) What other events of spiritual importance happened on the 1st day of the week?

Acts 20:7-12; 1 Corinthians 11:17-29, 34
1) What day did Christians meet to partake of the Lord's supper?
2) How are Christians to partake of the Lord's Supper?
3) Does the Bible indicate that it is a sin to partake of the Lord's supper in an improper manner?

1 Corinthians 16:1-2
1) What did Paul say was to be done on the first day of the week?
2) Which day is the first day of the week?

Hebrews 10:23-29
1) What do these verses say about what we should do when our Christian brothers and sisters meet to worship God?
2) What are we supposed to do during the "assembly"?
3) What are Christians to do on the first day of every week?
4) Does the Bible teach that it is a sin for Christians not to be in church to worship God on Sunday morning, if they can be there?
Strong’s Greek 1429
from 1722 and 2641;; v
AV - forsake 7, leave 2; 9
GK - 1593 { ejgkataleivpw }

1) abandon, desert
1a) leave in straits, leave helpless
1b) totally abandoned, utterly forsaken
2) to leave behind among, to leave surviving

Strong’s Greek 1997
1997 episunagoge { ep-ee-soon-ag-o-gay’}
from 1996; TDNT - 7:841,1107; n f
AV - gathering together 1, assembling together 1; 2
GK - 2191 { ejpisunagwghv }

1) a gathering together in one place
2) the (religious) assembly (of Christians)


1) All Christians are to assemble together to worship God. (Hebrews 10:23-29)

2) We are to show respect to God when we assemble.
(Leveticus 10:3b; 1 Chronicles 13:1-13; 15:12-15; 1 Samual 15:2-23; Psalm 89:7)

3) The assembly of the church is to be undivided.
(1 Corinthians 1:10-13; Philippians 2:2; 3:15; 2 Timothy 2:15; 13:16)

4) We are to behave according to the New Testament Scriptural pattern, neither adding nor taking away from it.
(2 Tim. 2:15; 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20; Rev. 22:18-19; 2 John 9;
1 Corinthians 3:19-20; 4:6

5) We are no longer under the Old Testament Law of Moses, but are under the New Testament Law of Christ.
(2 Corinthians 3:7-16; 4:6; Galatians 3:24-25)

6) Christians are to let their light shine through the local congregation.(Matthew 5:14-16)

7) All Christians are to assemble together to be edified, sing praise to God, and to help build one another up. (Hebrews 10:23-29)

8) All Christians are commanded to give “as they have been prospered” on the first day of the week. (1 Corinthians 16:1-2; 2 Corinthians 8:12-14; 9:7).

9) It is necessary for all Christians to gather together and partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of each week. (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:23-30)

10) Christians are all members of the same body, Christ’s church.
(1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

11) If we miss the assembly of the church, we cause a schism in the body.(1 Corinthians 12:25)

12) Christians are to be considerate one to another and to encourage one another.(1 Corinthians 14:23-24)

13) If we forsake the assembly, we weaken the church. (1 Corinthians 12:25)

14) It is a willful sin to miss the Sunday morning worship services.
(Acts 20:7-12; 1 Corinthians. 16:1-2; Hebrews 10:25)

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